Monday, August 20, 2007

what a shame!

was on my way to the heartstrings walk when this eye-sore caught my eyes.

what's the use of housing people in condominium style apartments when their behaviour is so primitive? should build caves for them instead! (the people in the top photograph are not the people responsible for this disgrace.)

i find that we are far from the standard of graciousness and civic-mindedness expected of people of a first world country. when i was travelling on the bus in australia, i observed that quite a number of passengers thanked the bus driver as they were alighting.

in australia, although there is grafitti everywhere, it seems that it is the organised type and often, there is a responsible message in this type of street art.

in singapore, the announcement: "give way to alighting passengers" - seems to be taken to mean "alighting passengers, please give way to those who are boarding." also, "the slow, keep left and fast, take the right" rule does not seem to mean anything to most singaporeans. in london, one has no problem moving quickly on the right side of the escalator.

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