Saturday, August 4, 2007

skiing & snowboarding @ mt baw baw in victoria, australia

yesterday, ida went with ivy and a number of other care group members to the baw baw ski resort. ida complained that she had only one hour of sleep because they had to be ready to set off at 4.00 a.m. to make the most of the day trip. to save money on food, she got up even earlier to prepare packed meals.

mt baw baw is the closest downhill ski resort to melbourne at just 157km which equates to about 2.5 hours of driving. mt baw baw’s summit is 1564 metres high. the village at mt baw baw reaches 1470 metres in height.

they had rented four cars equipped with the gps. ivy was not one of the drivers. i think ian drove the car they travelled in. even with the gps, they 'managed' to lose their way on their homeward journey.

ivy, being an quite an old hand at winter sports, went skiing while ida tried her hand at snowboarding. in snowboarding, one rides on a snowboard - which is like a skateboard - without the use of poles. for safety reasons, one should wear wrist guards, a helmet and soft boots.

ida said she enjoyed herself thoroughly in spite of the many falls and spills, and the aches that followed after the session.

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