hassle of driving
across the causeway
one of the reasons why i do not enjoy driving into johor bahru and back is the manner some motorists behave when they are making their way towards the check-point, especially when there is a big build-up of traffic.
these obnoxious drivers will change lane once they find themselves in a line that is perceived to be moving slower than the rest. if you observe these drivers closely, you will notice that they are in the habit of cutting into and changing lanes all the way to the check-point. in the past, it used to be the malaysian drivers who practised this but nowadays, singaporeans have also got into the act.
then when they are nearing the booths, instead of moving to the one furthest away from them, when it is possible to do, they will instead wait to go to the shortest queue even if it meant that doing so will result in holding up the rest behind him.
i do not mind being stuck in a queue for two hours or even longer if everyone is civil and does not try to take advantage of the situation or of others; if everyone stays in his lane and, at the same time, is considerate and takes care of his fellow motorists. that, sad to say, is like asking for the moon.
very often, in such a situation, the bully is easily unmasked as he throws his weight around and attempts to displace others from their rightful places. you see the ugly side of him as he sees gaps as challenges and appears to gloat when he succeeds in moving ahead by cutting queue. and if you thwart his manoeuvring stunt, he gets very upset because you are preventing him from exercising his right to 'win the race to the front'.
if you do have to drive into johor bahru on a weekday, try to make your way back to the johor customs and immigration check-point by 4.00 p.m., that is when you are less likely to meet the bullying kind of drivers.
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