Tuesday, September 4, 2007

growing lemongrass in a pot

each time i go to kok fah technological farm at sungei tengah, i will seek out this senior citizen who is in charge of the potted plants section. he is an old hand at gardening and he is always dispensing tips and pointers on how to take care of certain plants or how to grow them.

today, he showed me how to propagate lemongrass in a pot. i had actually wanted to buy a pot of lemongrass but he taught a cheaper way of getting it. he told me to go to the vegetable section to buy a bunch of cut lemongrass.

you peel off some of the leaves so that more the base is exposed. next, you cut off part of the top of the stalk. loosen the soil in a pot and plant the stalk in it. water only the base and no the top of the stalk.

lemongrass is believed to have good effects on the body. it can help significantly in detoxifying the organs in the digestive system like the pancreas, kidney, bladder and liver. this is made possible because the lemon grass aids in cutting down the cholesterol, uric acid and toxins in the system. at the same time, this helps in stimulating digestion and blood circulation.

lemongrass can be used in the bath for a soothing aromatherapy experience by placing a mesh bag with a handful of leaves under the running bath water, then letting the bag soak in the water with you as you bathe. it is very relaxing.

lemongrass is safe for use in moderation, but should be avoided by young children, pregnant women, and people with kidney or liver disease.

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