Saturday, May 19, 2007

chilli plant bearing fruit (chillis)

one of the many chilli plants that i planted in pots is bearing fruit. the roots of young chilli plants are quite fragile; i lost quite a number of plants when i tried transplanting them.

but these plants are incredibly easy to look after. there are only really two things that you need to remember in order to keep them alive.
water them regularly.
keep them in a well-lit place.

check your variety for the mature pod size and then as they reach full size, the pod should feel firm and look fairly glossy, if it still feels soft to the touch it is still immature. pods can be picked early but they really need to be fully developed to develop their full flavour and heat. the best time to pick chillis for drying is just when they start to change colour. this picking will stimulate the plant to produce more flowers.

i have two varieties - the chilli padi (thai chilli) and the common chilli.