Monday, June 18, 2007

white crested laughing thrushes @ bukit batok nature park

these attractive birds inhabit forests, including stands of teak and bamboo. they move in close-knit flocks, clambering through low thickets or flicking aside leaf litter on the forest floor in search of insects and small fruit.

when moving about, white-crested laughing thrushes keep up a continuous chattering “conversation” with each other. from time to time, the entire flock breaks into loud, boisterous calls, which resemble laughter. at the same time, they prance about the forest floor, flapping their wings.

quite a number of these thrushes have made the bukit batok nature park their home. they have grown quite accustomed to humans such that they do not fly or run away when approached unless you try and get within striking distance of them.

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